Front-end engineer with a passion for learning something new every day

Blog posts filed under “preprocess”

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  • Drupal 7 Preprocess Tricks: Tips From a Themer

    In the course of a day as a Drupal Themer, I need to code a wide variety of functionality into a given site I'm working on. I try to follow Drupal best practices as well and this usually means implementing theme preprocess functions; these become key to a Themer's toolbox.

  • Leveraging Drupal 7 API Functions for Theming Field Array Element Data

    In my last article I demonstrated how to extract basic data from field array elements which is ideal for custom node theming. The key to this is using *field_get_items*. I'll expand upon that by adding in additional Drupal API functions to enhance and format these Field array elements.

  • Drupal 7 Fields: Digging Deep into the Data for Themers

    In this article, I'll show how to really dig into data associated with a field and for that I'll use a preprocess function in your theme's template.php for the logic and then a variable for presentation in a custom node template.